Yorkipoos are small to medium sized with a silky soft coat, and beyond that, their appearance will depend on the characteristics of the breeding pair. They have brown eyes and short snouts. Their coats can be cream, brown, black, or even multicolored.
The Yorkipoo is the result of crossing a Yorkshire Terrier with a Poodle. The genes ensure this breed is highly intelligent and able to follow directions well. They’re bold and confident, and they learn quickly, making them successful in shows and competitions with appropriate training. Yorkipoos are typically a friendly, people-oriented pup who wants to be where the action is. Yorkipoos can’t live outdoors; they are inside dogs. With such a small stature, it doesn’t take much to ensure your pup has the exercise they need. A daily walk around the block or a visit to a local park takes care of it. They will need additional play time for mental stimulation; they’re always up for a new challenge.

Exercise Recommendations
- Moderate activity level
- 30 minutes of activity per day

Grooming Tips
- Brush every other day
- Bathe as necessary; trim regularly
- Trim nails; brush teeth; clean & dry ears regularly

Temperament & Behavior
- Charming, lively, social
- Bold, confident, sassy
- Highly intelligent, fast learner