Pet and Farm producers take pride in their responsibilities for proper care and handling of their animals. The following code of ethics describes general considerations in the raising and handling of animals. 


  1. Conscientiously adopt and implement sound animal husbandry practices for the care and well being of all animals that they breed or raise in their homes, kennels, catteries and on their farms.
  2. Provide veterinary care for their animals when such care is appropriate or necessary.
  3. Implement disease control measures that are recognized within the animal husbandry community to be effective in controlling diseases.
  4. Maintain appropriate housing, sanitation, and cleanliness standards and practices in the areas where their animals are housed.
  5. Ensure that daily inspections of all animals under their control are conducted.
  6. Ensure that, when appropriate, humane methods are used to dispose of any animal under their care.
  7. Ensure that all persons who care for their animals have received basic instructions and training on how best to care for the animals.
  8. Avail themselves of Educational and Informational Seminars and Literature provided by IHA W and other responsible providers of educational information that is intended to enhance the quality of care provided to animals under their care.
  9. Seek to minimize the inherent stress associated with the transportation of any animals from their home, kennel, cattery or farm to their final destination.
  10. Not mistreat their animals.
  11. Make sound decisions with respect to all aspects of breeding and raising their animals.
  12. Conduct all business transactions in an ethical manner.
  13. Strive to ensure that they are in compliance with all applicable Federal, State and Local Laws and Regulations that apply to the animals under their care.
  14. Comply with the provisions as set out in the IHAW Code of Ethics and the IHAW By-Laws.
  15. Acknowledge that if they fail to comply with the IHAW Code of Ethics, or conduct themselves in a manner that discredits the IHA W, as determined by the IHA W Board of Directors, their Membership in the IHA W may be terminated.
  16. To provide food, water, and care necessary to protect the health and welfare of the pets in their care.